Search for tag: "gallery"
Publish To Media GalleryPublish media to a Media Gallery in a Canvas course. All students and instructors in the course can view all the videos in the Media Gallery. For detailed instructions see Add MiVideo Media to a…
From Paul Schmidt
82 plays
Rearrange Playlist VideosHow to rearrange the order of media in a playlist. For detailed instructions see Reorder Playlist Media in MiVideo.
From Paul Schmidt
15 plays
What are the differences between Galleries and ChannelsReview the difference between the different media repositories in Mediaspace: galleries and channels. From kalturalearning
From mivideo Service Owner
3 plays
Remove Media from a PlaylistHow to remove media from a Media Gallery playlist in Canvas, channel playlist in a MiVideo Mediaspace, or personal playlist. For detailed instructions see Remove MiVideo Media from a Playlist in My…
From Paul Schmidt
8 plays
How to Remove Media From a Course Media GalleryHow to remove media from a course media gallery. For detailed instructions see Remove MiVideo Media from a Course Media Gallery.
From Shaohua Li
9 plays
How to Edit a Course Media GalleryEdit the details of your Media Gallery in Canvas. For detailed instructions see Edit a Course Media Gallery in Canvas.
From Shaohua Li
31 plays
Add Media to a Playlist in Canvas and MiVideo MediaspaceAdd media to a Media Gallery playlist in Canvas, channel playlist in a MiVideo Mediaspace, or personal playlist. Media in the playlist is ordered, specifying the sequential order the media appears in…
From Paul Schmidt
60 plays
How to Import a Media Gallery from Another CourseHow to import media and playlists from one course’s Media Gallery into another. Importing a course’s Media Gallery can save time over selecting individual media files to add to a new…
From Paul Schmidt
25 plays
Understanding Canvas Media Gallery AnalyticsYou can view media viewing analytics for your Canvas course from Media Gallery. How to: Add embedded media to Media Gallery (for reporting purposes) Set the time range for your reports Filter for…
From Melinda Kraft
123 plays
How To Enable Media Downloads with Canvas My MediaTwo quick and easy methods for publishing media with a download button on the player. Changing the Media Gallery default player settings Embedding media in Canvas content items by selecting a player…
From Melinda Kraft
549 plays