12:00duration 12 minutes 0 seconds
Annotating wireframes
From Gonzalo Silverio
01:31duration 1 minute 31 seconds
02:29duration 2 minutes 29 seconds
Axe DevTools Introduction
09:31duration 9 minutes 31 seconds
Axe Expert: video introduction
01:12duration 1 minute 12 seconds
Ensuring a clearly visible method of indicating…
Ensuring a clearly visible method of indicating the element that has keyboard focus
01:10duration 1 minute 10 seconds
Form focus
Inspect: all instances of the element contain…
Inspect: all instances of the element contain appropriate alt attributes
01:35duration 1 minute 35 seconds
Inspect: error messages are associated with the…
Inspect: error messages are associated with the element in error
00:56duration 56 seconds
Inspect: font icons associated with controls or…
Inspect: font icons associated with controls or links are hidden via ARIA
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
Inspect: forms are structured with parts…
Inspect: forms are structured with parts identified
00:33duration 33 seconds
Inspect: language
01:34duration 1 minute 34 seconds
Inspect: overall structure that is visually AND…
Inspect: overall structure that is visually AND logically perceivable
01:39duration 1 minute 39 seconds
Inspect: text of links provide informative…
Inspect: text of links provide informative description
Inspect: the view should contain a lang attribute…
Inspect: the view should contain a lang attribute describing the language in which the content is written
02:23duration 2 minutes 23 seconds
Inspect: view markup is semantic
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